The modern social world relies on website design to deliver their media online.
Ecommerce sends data around the world every second with complex website designs. Showcasing business services a website can provide.
Trying to harness a website's power for your business can make for a major headache. when all you desire for your business needs is a clean, inviting website which showcases you.
Now imagine there was a business who understands the importance of your media. Helping to reach customers through your social media offerings.
A business who uses their knowledge of design to create a clean, responsive website for all your online needs.
That service is here today. Welcome to Inertial Zen Designs.
photo credit: Veronica Belmont Under Creative Commons License
About Inertial Zen Designs
The first question one may ask themselves is "why name a Web Design Company something like Inertial Zen Designs?". The answer comes from that feeling one describes as a "zen-like state".
Located in Prince George British Columbia, Inertial Zen Designs launched in June of 2013 with one focus. Web Design.
Inertial Zen Designs entire business is Web Design. We believe in the creation of Websites that entice and showcase Your Business projects.
Inertial Zen Designs is proud to offer the services of a BCIT Certified Web Designer, David Peters. David's long standing viewpoint on Web Design is that it needs to be correct in it's coding. As such David makes sure His designs are up to industry standards.
David lives by the Design mentality of
This mindset results in a business website designed for your patrons ease of use and navigation.
some clip art appears from
Our goal is to help you reach your business website needs, as such Inertial Zen Designs offers the following design tools to you.
We hope they help you plan out every detail of your website.
Mailing List and Contact Us
If you desire direct communications with Inertial Zen Designs, please send us an email